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The Economic Development Commission held a regular meeting on Monday, January 20, 2009 at the multi-purpose building in Sandy Hook, CT 06482.  

Present:  Robert Rau (Chair), Catherine Adsitt, Ted Kreinik and Robert Morey.

Absent:  Mitchell Bolinsky.

Also Present:  Elizabeth Stocker, Director of Planning and Community Development

Call to Order:  Chairman Rau called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.

Minutes of November 18, 2008 and November 24, 2008 meetings.  Mr. Morey motioned to approve the minutes as amended.  Ms. Adsitt seconded the motion.  Motion approved unanimously.


Public Participation – There was no public participation.


Director of Planning and Community Development

Old Business

a)      Review Tech Park Project Progress  (36 min)

Meeting with Conservation Commission and Staff (12/10/08):  The commissioners discussed the requirement to maintain a right of way through the tech park to Wasserman Way.

Mr. Kreinik motioned that the Economic Development Commission will not propose a tech park layout that would obstruct a potential right-of- way to Wasserman Way.  Ms. Adsitt seconded the motion.  Motion approved unanimously.

Questions from Project Engineer (Carboni):  The commission discussed having Mr. Carboni draw up a six lot scenario to include calculations for storm water run-off.  This scenario may require a compromise with the Conservation Commission of the line delineating the proposed open space.

Ms. Adsitt motioned to obtain a proposal from Bill Carboni to develop a six lot subdivision that takes into consideration the development boundaries requested by the Conservation Commission and to develop a conceptual development plan including a storm water management plan.  Mr. Kreinik seconded the motion.  Motion approved unanimously.

STEAP Grant Meeting with the State (01/15/09):  Mr. Rau discussed a meeting that he attended with the First Selectman, Ms. Stocker and representatives from the Dept of Economic and Community Development (DECD) and the State Agricultural Department.  The DECD requested to have funds remaining on the STEAP grant transferred to Fairfield Hills due to concerns including the project triggering a review by the CT EPA and the Agricultural Department’s concern over the preservation of farmland in Connecticut.  There is a requirement by the Agricultural Department to offset four acres of farmland for every acre of farmland that is used for economic development.  It was also noted that the deed to the tech park property will not be issued until there is a defined delineation of the open space parcel.    

Ms. Adsitt suggested that the Commission ask the Agricultural Department for help in using the property as a demonstration project where it could be used agriculturally for economic development.  The hay that currently grows there is used by the Governor’s Horse Guard.  Mr. Rau discussed the state implementing Agricultural Commissions in each Town and that such a commission could easily be folded into the Economic Development Commission.  They discussed the possibility of bringing in representatives in the Town that are agriculturally based, such as Shirley Ferris, as well as a representative from the Newtown Bridle Lands Association.  

Mr. Rau stated that the commission needs to review models in going forward with the tech park.  

b)      EDC Strategic Plan  -  SWOT Seminar Follow Up:  Ms. Adsitt discussed a joint meeting with the Chamber of Commerce and the Rotary, scheduled for February 16th.  She will follow up with this and provide more details at a later date.  

c)      Budget for FY 2009 – 2010 (BOS 1/20/09):  The Commission discussed their recommendation to reduce the budget by 10%.  The commissioners discussed what the budget will be used for, including advertisement for and publicity of Newtown and Fairfield Hills.  
        Mr. Morey made a motion that the EDC reduce the budget by 10% from $35,000 to $31,500 in reflection of the current economic restraints in answer to the Selectmen’s call to do so.  Motion seconded by Mr. Kreinik.  Motion carried unanimously.

New Business

Appointments:  Mr.  Rau contacted the chairs of the Republican and Democratic parties and the president of the Lions Club regarding recommendations for candidates.  He noted that qualifications should include those that have a business background and who can spend more than one night a month on commission activities.  The terms of each commissioner were discussed as well.  Mr. Kreinik will speak with Sue in the First Selectman’s office to update the website with the commissioners information.  It was noted that it would be beneficial to find candidates from various areas of business to bring a diversity of experiences to the commission.  Varied backgrounds include those who run home-based businesses, have an agricultural background, or have served on other commissions.  The commission will seek Chamber of Commerce recommendations.  A job description for candidates will need to be put together.

Solar Panels for Tech Park/Treatment Plant:  Mr. Rau noted that although the last scheduled meeting was never convened due to a lack of quorum, there was an informal discussion regarding the possibility of seeking a grant from the state for the installation of solar panels on the Treatment Plant property abutting the Tech Park.  In attendance was Mr. Rau, Ms. Adsitt and Ms. Stocker, as well as, Fred Hurley (Director of Public Works), Rick Conte (Water and Sewer Authority), Robert Malton and Bill Todd of Opel.  It was determined that due to time constraints, an application to the state for funding could not be completed on time.  The commission discussed what could be done going forward.  

Mr. Kreinik motioned to have the EDC take the lead role for the Town of Newtown regarding the installation of a solar energy facility on the west field area of the water treatment plant; to prepare an RFP;  and to coordinate with other Town Agencies and Commissions to accomplish this goal.  Motion seconded by Mr. Morey.  Motion carried unanimously

Adjournment  - Mr. Morey motioned to adjourned at 10:30 p.m.  Motion seconded by Mr. Kreinik.  Motion carried unanimously

Respectfully submitted by

Tammy Hazen, Clerk